Dead Space is a beloved classic among gamers, originally released in 2008. It quickly gained a reputation as one of the most innovative and terrifying games of its time, thanks to its unique combat system, immersive atmosphere, and gripping story. Now, in 2023, fans old and new have reason to celebrate – a remastered version of the game has just been released, bringing the terror and excitement of Dead Space to a whole new generation of players. But what can fans expect from the remaster? Let’s take a closer look.
The Combat
First off, let’s talk about the combat system. In Dead Space, you’ve got to be strategic, smart, and quick on your feet. The enemies you’ll face are grotesque, bloodthirsty monsters that require some serious dismembering to take down. It’s not just about shooting your way out of a sticky situation – you’ve got to use your wits and reflexes to survive. The 2023 remake does the original a great justice in keeping this vision alive, the gun-play feels like it has been given the exact love and attention it needed to make the gameplay more enjoyable whilst not sacrificing anything the original brought to the table.
The Story
Although undoubtly at this point everybody knows about the story of Dead Space, I will include a short summary for the unfortunate (or fortunate) few. You play as Isaac Clarke, an engineer who finds himself stuck on a spaceship overrun by terrifying creatures. The ship’s crew has been slaughtered, the systems are failing, and you’re the only one who can save the day. But things aren’t as they seem, and the deeper you delve into the mystery, the more twisted and dark the story becomes. The remake holds complete loyalty to the story, making no attempt to try and rewrite sections or ‘fix’ plotholes, the only minor tweaks that the remake does add only serve to enhance the story and increase its replayability.
The Atmosphere
What really sets the Dead Space remake apart is the attention to detail. The graphics are out of this world, with intricate and realistic environments that make you feel like you’re really on the USG Ishimura. And the sound design? It’s haunting and eerie, creating an atmosphere that will make your skin crawl. The remake took everything that made Dead Space special and ramped it up to 100, it is truly a testament to the game on how much the developers at Motive Studios must have loved the original to pour so much love and affection into the remake.
Overall, Dead Space 2023 is an absolute masterpiece that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. I mean, this game has got it all – a spine-chilling atmosphere, heart-pounding combat, and graphics so stunning you’ll swear you’re in space yourself!
Overall Score: 9/10 – Outstanding.